Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Buy Cialis. Men suffering from certain heart diseases and ED are given a second chance

Medicine has stepped into a superior era of evolution after one of its most recently developed clinical trials, as results reveal it. It appears that, finally, after many years of controversy and waiting, men suffering from erectile dysfunction and certain heart conditions not only are allowed to take ED drugs, but these may even improve the quality of their lives. The study supporting this statement was published in a reputed medical release, The Journal of Sexual Medicine, and conducted by Doctor Graham Jackson in England.Doctor Jackson is the initiator of a sexual counseling program for men with cardiac problems and erectile dysfunction in his private clinic in England, the first and only medical clinic supporting a program with these particular profile and destination. Doctor Jackson’s scientific study was conducted on 425 male patients with stable coronary disease and erectile dysfunction. The challenge of the trial was to testify that ceasing the oral nitrate therapy commonly prescribed for these patients and replacing it with a beta-blockade or a calcium antagonist therapy may allow the safe use of oral ED drugs in improving the erectile function in these patients. Surprisingly, in more than 85% of the patients included in the study, discontinuing the therapy with nitrates and the administration of Viagra, Cialis or Levitra lead to significant erectile improvement. What counts even more is that none of the patients dealt with adverse cardiac reactions.The importance of this study is pointed out by the Journal’s Editor-in Chief himself, Irwin Goldstein, MD, stating that this is a first in proving that stable coronary disease patients are allowed to safely use PDE-5 Inhibitors, like Viagra, Cialis or Levitra, and improve the erectile function, as long as they cease the treatment with oral nitrates and opt for a beta-blockade or calcium antagonist therapy. Secondly, on a larger view, we can get a clear picture of how multi-dimensional medicine is and how relevant professional exchange between cardiologists and urologists turned out for this study.The incidence of angina pectoris in the United States reaches 17,5‰, while 8% of the American adults suffer from one or another form of heart condition. That is approximately 22 million individuals in need for treatment which may include nitrates, beta-blockers or calcium antagonist.

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